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Our Inspection Reports are Easy to Use

Our informative reports are laid out in an intuitive manner. Different areas of the home are clearly labelled and major systems (heating, electrical, etc.) each have their own section. Full-color photos are included, with helpful notations. Please keep in mind that our Sample Reports are for example purposes only, it is not a full report and does not include every section or component that a full report will cover.


Observations in our reports are grouped into the following categories:


Information & Maintenance - These items are either informational and need no correction (including upgrades that could be made to improve the safety or function of the property), or items that may need periodic or regular maintenance and corrections can often be handled by a handyman or experienced homeowner.


Needs Attention - Most items typically fall into this category. These include any defects to a system or component, even if the overall system may remain functional. These items will often require a qualified professional to provide further evaluation or recommend a course of correction.


Urgent & Safety - Items in this category either need urgent attention (e.g. leaks) or pose a potential safety risk, either now or in the future. It is highly recommended that these items be addressed as soon as possible.

Sample Home Inspection Report
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More Information

If you have already received your Home Inspection Report and are looking for more information, visit our pages that cover Common Issues Reported at Home Inspections, and frequently used Terminology. You can also search the Blog for topics that have been covered in more detail. If you have questions about specifics related to your home or your specific report, please feel free to contact Steadfast Home Inspection by phone or email

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